Force Converter – Convert Newtons, Pounds, Kilograms & More Instantly

Force Converter

Force Converter

Converted Value: 0


Quickly Convert Between Force Units for Accurate Measurements

Force is a fundamental concept in physics and engineering, used to measure the interaction between objects. Common units for force include Newtons (N), pounds-force (lbf), and kilograms-force (kgf). Converting between these units ensures accurate force calculations for mechanical, structural, and physical applications.

Common conversions include:

1 Newton (N) = 0.2248 Pounds-Force (lbf)
1 Pound-Force (lbf) = 4.448 Newtons (N)
1 Kilogram-Force (kgf) = 9.81 Newtons (N)
1 Newton (N) = 0.10197 Kilogram-Force (kgf)
Use our Force Converter to easily convert between force units. Simply enter your value, select the units, and get fast, accurate results!